Who is who? | 皆だれ?

Cast and Crew

The heroes

LOVE » show|見る... = The love of my life. The person who understands it all. Everything. The pain, the suffering, the dispair. She is my champion, my knight in shining armor, my princess, a beauty like none other. Pure love. « hide|隠す...
(Mother) Tam » show|見る... = AKA The-All-Mother, my mom, and one of my protectors and champions. The woman with a heart the size of the world.
A seer of truth. And an exposer of lies. Sees right through SHE and her endless smear campaign.
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Dee » show|見る... = My daughter with a capitol D. The most beautiful child in the universe.
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Ess » show|見る... = My son with a capitol S. The most beautiful child in the universe.
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Jay-Tea » show|見る... = My BFF. My buddy, my friend. We’ve known each other since like forever. Grew up together. Through thick and thin.
He, as with many of my true friends, can’t understand why Malekith will not side by his own blood, can’t understand why HE supports someone like SHE.
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Dr. Selvig » show|見る... = Another BFF, buddy, friend. He has suffered his own SHE. He has lost his kids to his SHE. Another heartbreaking story.
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The Anti-Heroes

SHE » show|見る... = The person who alegedly took everything.
Is SHE really a bad person? To me, yes. Terrifying! To some people, yes. To others, no.
SHE believes SHE is right, SHE is justified.
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Brutus » show|見る... = The co-conspirator. And SHE’s right hand maiden. (another she, just not all caps)
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(Father) Malekith » show|見る... My father and huge supporter of SHE. « hide|隠す...
Fee » show|見る... = One of my ex-best friends, and an ex-uncle to my kids. « hide|隠す...

The rest

Broheim » show|見る... = The brother. Not a hero. But not a villain. My brother, who, despite his better judgement believes I kind of deserve it. And believes that I have to suck it up and suffer quietly like a man. As he does. Because he has a SHE as well.
His role in his family:
His kids
The dog
… then… maybe him.
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