Nightmares | 悪夢について

No words | 口がない

I had the most horrific waking nightmare.
From 5 am I woke up, and I don’t know if it was delusions or what but it was crazy real. SHE came to this residence. I went outside to see who it was and froze.
SHE said it’s time to stop this foolishness and come home. I was so terrified my body reacted involuntarily and got in her car. SHE took me back to the old house and kept me in my underwear so I couldn’t leave. I tried to tell her SHE can’t do this. I have my own life now. And that Love will be worried about me. The words wouldn’t come.
I wanted to message Love but I couldn’t write in Japanese. I physically picked my real phone and wrote in English. Help. Please come get me. SHE told me to delete it so I did. I could hear the real kids from upstairs playing in the street outside my apartment but when I looked out the window, the window was my old house and the kids were some other neighbor’s kids.
Finally I escaped in my underwear and got back to this place. Love came got me from the station and walked me back home. She asked me what happened and I couldn’t tell her. I broke down crying. And I was crying for real. We got back to my apartment and SHE was there and said, you’re not staying here. I cried again and Love hugged me fore real and broke me out of this nightmare.

Nightmares | 悪夢について

You’re too late | 遅いよ

Remember to rewrite your dreams. Write what you saw, then rewrite it in a favorable way.

Last night, I saw HER.
SHE told me about my daughter.
HER: “You know Dee got pneumonia. She was asking for you.”
Me: “So can see her?”
HER: “Oh your too late, this was a while ago. She’s dead,” SHE says casually like she lost her keys or something.
Me: “#)’$&(‘”)’!”#)(‘&”!!!!!!!”

I’ve had this dream a thousand times.

Following that (the same night),

I’m standing in court with my lawyer. The judge asks me to testify.
Me: “Why is SHE allowed to block me from my children? I am their father. I loved them from conception. They desperately want to see me. They have a right to see me. I do not understand why SHE is allowed to violate their rights. SHE has violated mine for so long it is difficult to remember what they are. But these are children! Two years of being apart for them is like ten years for us.”
Judge: “What reason do you have for denying them their father?”
HER: “Oh, they died two months ago from Covid-19.”
Me: “She is telling us this now?

Last night, I saw HER.
SHE told me about my daughter.
HER: “You know Dee got pneumonia. She was asking for you.”
Me: “So can see her?”
HER: “Oh your too late, this was a while ago.” SHE says casually like she lost her keys or something.

I’m standing in court with my lawyer. The judge asks me to testify.
Me: “What SHE is doing is unjustifiable, unconstitutional and unacceptable. The children are suffering.”
Judge: “SHE, if you don’t abide by the agreement YOU made, you will be held in contempt of court, fined 500,000 yen and be thrown in jail for 7 days.”
HER: “But…”
Judge: “I find you in contempt of court. Bailiff, take her away!”
HER: “But your honor! Who will take care of my kids?”
Judge: “Petey, are you capable?”
Me: “Very.”
Judge:”Then we are adjourned.  Next hearing to be held in 7 days. Count your blessings SHE. Next time it will be 30 days. Court dismissed.”